
Top Five Worst Lunchbox Items for Your Child’s Dental Health

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Our hygienists and dentists at Costa Dentistry know that when your kids go off to school, so much of what they eat and drink falls out of the parents’ control. You can’t predict a classmate’s special birthday treat, but you can choose to pack tooth-safe foods that will boost oral health. But with Costa Dentistry–you’ve got this! Here’s how to avoid the top five worst lunchbox items for your child’s dental health.

Packed Lunch Ideas: Best and Worst Foods for Kids’ Teeth 

Most children in traditional schools don’t have the opportunity to brush their teeth throughout the day. Providing sugary, carby, or processed foods at lunch could mean these foods linger on their teeth for hours each day. The buildup will eventually turn into plaque, which could result in cavities. 

Use your child’s lunchbox as an opportunity for a healthy meal, and save the treats and snacks until they are home and can brush their teeth immediately after. Avoid starting bad habits such as sending high-sugar drinks each day. And, be sure to keep your child on schedule for regular dental checkups at Costa Dentistry.  

Best Foods to Pack for Your Children’s Lunch

  • Fresh fruits: Apples are high in fiber and chewing them can help clean teeth. 
  • Fresh vegetables: Carrots, peppers, and cucumbers are easy to pack and promote healthy gums. 
  • Whole grain snacks and breads: Keep kids fuller, longer with whole grains. 
  • Water or milk
  • Organic, low-sugar jelly 
  • Cheese: Calcium can help build strong bones and teeth.
  • Yogurt: Low-sugar only 
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Lean protein: Chicken or turkey are high in protein. 

Worst Foods to Pack for Your Children’s Lunch

  • Any sticky or gummy foods
  • Too many carbohydrate-rich snacks: Even chips and pretzels can get stuck in teeth and cause plaque buildup. 
  • Juice, sugary electrolyte beverages, or chocolate milk
  • Snacks with added sugar or high fructose corn syrup
  • Sugary jelly or jam
  • Ultra processed foods 
  • Candy 
  • Sweetened Cereals
  • Citrus fruits: An occasional orange is great, but the sugar and acid can be damaging. 

Our team at Costa Dentistry recommends sending your child to school with plenty of water. Teach your child how to rinse out their mouth and give them a way to remember to do it, such as after they go to the bathroom! 

If you have questions on how to build healthy habits for your family, set up an appointment at Costa Dentistry in Great Falls or Ashburn, VA today!