Need a dentist now? If you are experiencing a dental emergency, do not stay in pain! Our team is trained to treat urgent dental matters and we are available to help you today. Our cosmetic dentists have many years of experience with treating dental emergencies and helping patients relieve pain. We offer same-day dental emergency appointments in both our Ashburn and Great Falls, VA offices. Submit an appointment request to schedule an appointment at Costa Dentistry Great Falls or Ashburn, Virginia today to get help as soon as possible!
What is a dental emergency?
A dental emergency is a dental problem that needs immediate treatment to stop bleeding, tooth pain, tooth or gum sensitivity, or save a tooth. You should contact us as soon as possible if you are experiencing a missing tooth, tooth pain, gum swelling or bleeding, a cracked tooth, a dental crown or veneer that fell off, or intense sensitivity.
How do I schedule an emergency appointment?
To schedule an emergency appointment, please submit an appointment request form on our website or give us a call! If you need immediate assistance, please text us at:
Ashburn: (703) 884-2663
Great Falls: (703) 884-2661
What if I have dental anxiety?
What if I have not been to the dentist in a long time?
What if I have never been to the office before?
Why should I choose Costa Dentistry?
Our team of cosmetic dentists is expertly trained to help patients with a variety of dental issues. We are ready to help with any emergency or pain you may be experiencing! Voted Northern Virginia’s Top Dentist for six years in a row, we are ready to assist with all dental emergencies. Our newly renovated offices are equipped with the latest, high-tech dental technologies and comfort amenities for a relaxing patient experience.
If you have a broken jaw, have experienced trauma to your head or neck, or have suffered another serious injury, please visit the emergency room or your medical physician before seeking dental treatment. If you believe your injury is life-threatening, call 911 or go directly to the nearest emergency room.